Sunday, May 9, 2010

All my skinfolk aint kinfolk.

Black Folks We'd Like To Remove From Black History
As happy as we are for the nation to get its yearly reminder that black people do exist in the context of American history, there’s a growing list of characters that has us harking back to Zora Neale Hurston’s famous words: “All my skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.” Indeed, while we love our own, we sure do dream of erasing a few of them from the history books. Some are politicos, others are pop culture figures, but they all share one common attribute: They’re embarrassing.

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Marion Barry
In terms of his political career, it may be accurate to say that former D.C. mayor and current City Councilman Marion Barry has nine lives. Still, when your most famous words are, "Bitch set me up" in reference to being caught smoking crack in a hotel room with a woman who's not your wife, your name will always be synonymous with the phrase "epic fail."



  1. Quote: All my skinfolk aint kinfolk. Indeed, while we love our own, we sure do dream of erasing a few of them from the history books. Some are politicos, others are pop culture figures, but they all share one common attribute: They're embarrassing. via E-mail

  2. simonewilliams32
    You guys forgot a few more people:
    1) Pastor James Manning:
    2) Juan Williams
    3) Jesse Lee Peterson
    4) Larry Elder

  3. We have to start our own local Milwaukee list of very ignoble personalities who need to be removed from Black History to correct the impressions left by the so called main street media but which some have labeled the Daily White Media. We used to give an annual Stepin Fetchit award that must be resurrected for a Local Annals of Those We'd Prefer to be Erased from Black History. There are many Genres of Black History which must be set up because those in the criminal classification are not the same as those who have sold out to the corporate interest against their own people.

  4. there are a lot of people i'd rather not be related to, but that's life Leon...let's remove GWB from history, or Adolph Hitler, or ronald reagan, and a bajillion others that, in my senility, i can't bring to mind...
